Schio, Italy – May 21-23 2024
A successful three-day meeting concluded in the enchanting setting of the Tretto Plateau, in the Italian Pre-Alps, dedicated to training educators and operators for the “Closer to Nature” project. The event, which alternated between indoor sessions and field excursions, focused on deepening the understanding of ecosystem services and the multifunctionality of forests, with the aim of conveying to young people a deeper awareness of the crucial role of forests in our ecosystem.
During the meeting a sector expert from COMPAGNIA DELLE FORESTE provided in-depth explanations of the key concepts related to ecosystem services, namely all the benefits that forest ecosystems provide to humans and the environment. From oxygen production to climate regulation, from soil protection to biodiversity, participants were able to appreciate the complexity and importance of these natural processes.
Particular attention was paid to the multifunctionality of the forest, emphasizing that forests are not only a source of timber, but also play a fundamental role in hydrogeological regulation, in the prevention of hydrogeological instability and in the maintenance of biodiversity.
From the room to the field
The practical part of the meeting included guided excursions within forests of different types, during which participants were able to directly observe the mechanisms that govern the life of forest ecosystems. Through practical activities and workshops, experts actively involved participants, stimulating their curiosity and their spirit of observation.
On the last day of the meeting, there was a visit to the Cansiglio Plateau, where another EU project supervised by Compagnia delle Foreste is underway ( The participants took part in a visit to gain a deeper understanding of how forests function and what they can do for human life.
“Closer to Nature”: a project for the future
The “Closer to Nature” project aims to bring young people closer to nature and raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection. Through this initiative, the goal is to train a new generation of aware and responsible citizens, capable of valuing and protecting the natural heritage of our country.
What’s next?
The involved organizations, trained by Compagnia delle Foreste, were the following:
- KRAP ASD (Italy)
- Mountaineering Association Tara (Serbia)
- Innovative Education Center (Austria)
- Scout Society (Romania)
In the coming months, the trained adults will serve as multipliers, sharing the valuable knowledge gained during this intensive three-day immersion meeting with young people in their respective countries.
This knowledge transfer will commence with a classroom-based theoretical session, where the educational materials developed during the initial kick-off meeting in Italy will be effectively utilized. These materials will provide a foundation for understanding key concepts related to ecosystem services, forest multifunctionality, and the importance of environmental conservation.
Following this theoretical framework, the young participants will engage in a hands-on, in-field experience. This practical component will allow them to directly observe and experience the concepts learned in the classroom. Through guided nature walks, interactive activities, and direct engagement with the natural environment, young people will gain a deeper understanding of how forests function, the vital services they provide, and the crucial role they play in sustaining a healthy planet.
Krap #forestry #ClosertonaturEU

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.