Kickoff Meeting – Madrid – Urban Life project 603106

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From 7-9 April 2019 we had the chance to meet all the partners for the Urban Life project in Madrid, the partners are:

FROM MACEDONIA: Association for Progress, Education and Lobbying

FROM SPAIN: Asociación multideportiva EUEXIA

FROM CROATIA: Urbana Mladež

FROM ROMANIA: Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica – ATIC 

Leading people from each organization were introduced about the topic of the project, “improve practices for accessibility to sports activities in urban context”

Each partner shared their views about the situation in their countries and cities, and there was a debate about the similarities and differences.

Krap suggest ideal participants profile for the next two meeting/activities, in youngster people with experience in practicing or planning freestyle and urban sports, such as parkour, free running, bmx, skate and similar activities, to facilitate the sharing of common language and experiences, different kind of participants are accepted as they will be enriched by the discover of these disciplines.

Krap shared with partners the specific objectives, purposes and work schedules of the three following events that will be realized, and dissemination strategy.

As our habit we have closed the meeting with a Feedback time for each participant, about what was good during the meeting and what could be better.

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